Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Deflated Mouse: Happy St. Paddy's to You!

When we first got married and were living in an apartment, I would love to sped our Saturdays getting up a little bit later, maybe run an errand or two, do some light cleaning in the home, and overall spend the day relaxing. Now that I'm a home owner and have responsibilities, I prefer to spend Saturdays in springtime working in the yard; at least that's what my wife tells me. I admit it, I am at heart a lazy person. After a long week of work I would love to take the day off and lounge around on the couch with the TV and possibly a sketch book. This is not the case with Mrs. Nutz, who I often feel would be the best spokesperson for the Energizer corporation.

This past Saturday really was the first weekend that it really felt like springtime, and it was beautiful outside. Thanks to events throughout the week, we got to enjoy the whole day! It actually started Friday morning on our way to work. Mr. Nutz and I noticed a peculiar sound as we were getting on the ramp to go to work. At first we thought that it was something we drove over and were dragging along the ground, though Mrs. Nutz soon thought that it could be a belt. As we built up speed on the freeway the sound went away and we didn't give it any further thought until we got off the freeway by our work and started hearing it again. Mrs. Nutz pulled off the side of the road and had me check to see if it was the muffler dragging, and to our dismay we discovered that it was a completely flat tire. We were very fortunate to make the 45 minute drive all the way south without damaging the rim. This was also our first reminder that Friday was the 13th.

Saturday morning we got up early so that we could take the car to our local Les Schwab and get a new tire, at which point we dropped off the car and plowed through our list of errands. About 3 hours later we completed our marathon of shopping and returned to fetch the car, then made our way back home. We got back with enough time to do some mild yard work (with the heavy stuff coming this Saturday) and decided that it was time to finally finish taking down the Christmas decorations that had previously been covered under a foot of snow.

It wasn't until I was rolling up the large deflated Mickey that I realized how long it had been since I was able to get to this blog. I have really wanted to update this since we got back from the trip, and to my loyal readers I had promised a detailed listing (actually a 3 part tome) of our vacation, but time just isn't in our favor. The biggest hurdle is that there are some images that I want to create for those posts, and it's just going to have to wait until that time.

Then there was another issue: I had been so excited about getting to this blog when I got back, because I would finally be allowed to tell anyone following this that we were officially going to add another Nutz to the family tree. Mrs. Nutz and I had been trying to start a family for the better part of a year, and we were finally able to get pregnant; but unfortunately during our 8th week, we lost the baby, and became one of the 25% of first pregnancies that end this way. When this happened we were devistated, but now we have been able to move on and have set our sights ahead to try again. Mrs. Nutz was actually getting excited that I would be able to use this blog as a means of keeping a record of her pregnancy. I guess this means that I still have time to practice updating this blog in the meantime.

Saturday night we finally decided to relax and watch a movie, then proceeded to go through our backlog of TV shows recorded during the last couple of weeks. With life intervening, we hadn't been able to keep current with our CSI, CSI: Miami, and CSI: NY, so now was a good time to go through our episodes. It finally was about 2:30 am when we finally decided we had enough and went to bed. Our loving dog Iola, who spends most of the day sleeping on the floor, was most excited that we were going to finally go to bed as she was exhausted from all the sleeping that she did that day.

The next morning Iola decided that she was ready to get up and have breakfast around 8:00, so she started nosing Mrs. Nutz in the arm and was repeatedly shooed away. Not one to become discouraged when food is involved, she decided to leap onto the bed and proceeded to lick me all over the back of the head. Thrilled as I was to be roused in such a way, I curtly sent the dog outside and got her food ready. The sound of me getting into the food/treat cupboard apparently has the same affect to our cat Emma, as winding the key on a toy has. Suddenly she was awake and bouncing off the walls literally. We woundn't mind so much if it weren't for the mischevious streak that accompanies this energy burst.

The saddest part of all is that despite the amount of energy she possesses, Emma only lets us see it. If we have any company over, she will be a perfect little angel. Our families only hear the stories, but seldom get to see the wild side of that cat.

Well I'm sure that I've rambled on for long enough. It feels good to add another entry to this blog though. I think that this marks the first entry that I've done on an actual holiday, though because we don't drink, and neither of us are Irish, it doesn't mean very much to us except that we wear green so that no one feels the need to pinch us.

Anyway, Happy St. Patricks Day everyone! Here's praying that I manage to get another entry added before Easter!