Friday, December 24, 2010

From All of Us to All of You, MERRY CHRISTMAS

Once again it's Christmas Eve, which is my favorite day of the year. This year we actually get the day off from work, so I thought I would let Mrs. Nutz sleep in while I take care of the dog and finish up this blog entry. Posting on Christmas Eve has apparently become somewhat of a tradition for me, but I won't complain.

Actually I started creating the header 2 nights ago, and was going to get this written and posted last night after we got home from work and errands, but Mrs. Nutz started playing Roller Coaster Tycoon after I got absorbed in saving the Kingdom of Hyrule, so both of us spent the evening in our computer/game room relaxing instead. Darn.

This has been an amazing year for both of us as we prepare to welcome a new squirrel to the Nutz House. Our daughter is set to be born sometime in March or early April. We've been hoping for an April 1 baby, so that she'll share her birthday with my Grandpa who will be 95 that day, but we're pretty sure that the birthdate is going to be in March.

Yes, I did gloss over a big piece of information. We did finally find out that we are going to have a little girl, and both of us are ecstatic about that. I originally intended to post about that earlier, but school, work, and sleep took priority. Besides, most of my readers are close friends and family (I do keep toying with the thought that some readers randomly run across this blog on Google and become fans that way, but I'm sure that is not the case.) Anyway, I figured that most people who read this blog already were told in person, and that really is the most important thing.

Our nursery is already painted, the crib and changing table are built, and everything seems to be on track for the arrival of our little one. We had heard horror stories about pregnancy, what with sickness and back pain and all. Mrs. Nutz has had back problems for years, and we were nervous that she would be put on bed-rest; however, this has been a surprisingly mild pregnancy. We're now getting to the point that we can feel our little one kicking, making this an amazing time for the two of us. It's crazy to think that next year by this time my daughter will already be moving around, and according to the baby books, trying to walk around.

This has been a most unusual Christmas season for us. All of our gifts have been wrapped for over a week, and everything is ready to go for the big day. Tonight we will be going to our annual Christmas Eve celebration with my family, and then will be spending the night at my parents house, so that we can be there for Christmas morning. I am excited, as we will be able to join in another family tradition that we have been absent for these past 4 years. After going to my Grandpa's house, we go to my folks house and watch White Christmas; however these last few years we have not stayed to watch the show, as we live 45 minutes away and would not want to be driving home so late. With us staying over this year we will be able to join in that tradition as well.

Well, I think it's time for me to wrap this entry up. We have stuff to do to get ready to go to my parents house tonight, and not much time to do it in. To all of our friends and family, thank you for everything you do. We love you and wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a happy 2011!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

"God as My Witness, I Thought Turkeys Could Fly."

Once again we reach that time of year where the calendar is almost worn out, and we prepare to place ourselves into a turkey induced coma that will last until Christmas. Actually by the time this entry is finished it will be after the festivities, so hopefully the turkey doesn’t knock me out until I have a chance to actually post this....

My last post came after our Yellowstone vacation, and featured the announcement that we were pregnant. I am ecstatic to post that all is still going very well. The baby is developing with a strong heartbeat, and we are starting to get to the point where we can feel the baby moving. This morning we realized that the baby really likes hot chocolate, as it’s been doing backflips in Mrs. Nutz tummy. (I can’t vouche for this comment, I am taking Mrs. Nutz word for it.)

Unfortunately we still have not found out what we’re having, and if the child does not co-operate by our next doctor’s appointment, I fear that he or she is going to get a very stern lecture from their mother! Both of us are hoping that we’re going to have a girl, but we will be happy as can be if it turns out to be a boy as well. We’re just excited that we will be parents soon. We just want to know so that we can start getting the nursery decorated (lady bugs if it’s a girl, and pirate if it’s a boy.)

Mr. and Mrs. Munk had their little chipmunk, whom I will dub Dotty Munk. She’s now starting to smile and chatter, which has been really cute to see. The other night we had the Munk family over for a movie and it was really fun to see little Dotty looking around and, well, being a baby. It was especially fun to watch the dog and cat freak out at the baby, and Iola kept giving us a look that indicated she wanted us to make Dotty leave. They’ll just have to deal with it, because in 4 months there’s going to be a new squirrel in the house full time!

Well now that it’s Thanksgiving, that means that Christmas is just around that corner. It seems like it comes earlier each year... though that is partially to blame on the media. I was walking through a store one evening and I saw them decorating for Christmas. The sad thing is that this was in the middle of September. I shook my head as I turned and walked out of the store. With each year it seems that we collectively ignore that that there is a holiday between Halloween and Christmas... and an important one at that. Now stores are opening up for black Friday sales earlier in the Day on Thanksgiving, which really begs the question of whether or not we are turning the shopping day into a holiday on it’s own (some of the women I work with believe that it is.) I made a previous post two years ago that expresses why I would choose to steer away from such a move.

Most TV shows today will run a Christmas special, as well as a Halloween special, but there are very few that do the Turkey day. Friends was dependable, as they had one for each of their ten seasons. Charlie Brown has a classic thought-provoking film (two in fact) that honor this great day, but I don’t know of too many beyond that.

Then again, one of the best all time moments of TV history (as determined by TV Guide) was a classic episode of WKRP in Cincinatti. While their Thanksgiving tribute is rather grim... it is a day where we celebrate over the carcass of a large bird, so I guess it could be worse (though the line about bags of wet cement did make me laugh out loud. Oh the humanity!!)

This morning we got up to start watching the parade, and we opted to cook the turkey for our dinner with Mrs.Nutz family, so the house now smells like turkey. She’s just getting ready so that we can leave, and I am left alone to reflect on my blessings this year. I have much to be thankful for this year, and this is one of the best places that I can express those.

I am thankful for my beautiful wife. She means everything to me, and it’s been a wonderful 4 years together, and I look forward to a lifetime more together. I am so thankful for the little child on the way, it’s been two years coming and I am so glad that everything worked out this time.

I am thankful for my families (both of them) for being there to support Mrs. Nutz and I wherever we need it. Comedy movies always tell horror stories about in-laws, but Mrs. Nutz and I both lucked out in that department. Both of our sets of parents and siblings support us where and however they can, and for that I am eternally grateful.

I also would like to say how thankful I am to have such great friends, especially the close kinship we have with the Munks. It’s been great having them so close that we can periodically say hi, and get together and enjoy one another’s company. It’s going to be so much fun to see that in a few months we will be able to give Dotty a little playtmate.

I am also thankful for all of our extended family and friends, you all enrich our lives in your own way.

Well, I think that’s enough for right now. I have more coming, so stay tuned...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just a Quick Note Before I Retire...

Just a short post for tonight, because I am tired.

It has been an emotional few weeks since we got home from Yellowstone, and in all fairness I was misleading to my readers, but in a good way.

I can now officially announce to the world that we are pregnant! We are at 9 weeks, and have had our first ultrasound. Everything looks great, and our child has a strong heartbeat (175 bpm.)

This has been a long time coming, and we are ecstatic to be able to tell the world now.

I will post more later, but we wanted to make it official tonight: Baby Nutz due April 2011!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Four Squirrels Drive Into a Forest (I Love This Joke...)

Growing up in the Nutz family there are two major vacation destinations that are a staple to our lives. First would be a Disney theme park vacation which I personally would consider to be my top choice preference. Unfortunately my casual readers who don't know me well would not be able to discern the depth of my Disney obsession just by reading this blog. It truly runs deep in me, and to my family. Mrs. Nutz once noted that I was at my happiest when I was in Disneyland, which is both sweet, and slightly disturbing (surely I am at my happiest when I am with her!)

The second preferred vacation destination for my family would be the fantastic Yellowstone National Park.

Growing up Yellowstone was always an odd vacation for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being there; but most of the trip is spent driving through forests and looking through binoculars, all while battling an onslaught of motion-sickness courtesy of the books and magazines that I brought with me on the trip. (I will admit that mostly they were picture and comic books, I read a lot more seriously now than I did when I was a kid.)

As I grew older, I developed a respect for the park, though my personal preferences were more into the geysers and hot springs (and yes, the gift shops) than into looking for Grizzly Bears and Moose on the side of a hill only visible through a spotting scope. While my juvenile perspective would maintain that all my opinions and preferences were ignored and overruled by the rest of the family, I would be very wrong if I still thought so. Frankly if all we did was what I had wanted to do at that time (and I will admit, that time even ranged to the teen years) then our trips would have been very short and meaningless. How glad I am that my family had me experience all that the park had to offer!

Mrs. Nutz on the other hand, hadn't been to the park in 15-20 years, and her only memory of the park was riding in her grandparents RV and getting in trouble for getting the gum in her bubble-gum ice cream all over their curtains. She was ready to see the park again for the first time.

We left Thursday after work and stayed the night in Idaho Falls. Our meal that first night was another Nutz family tradition: Flags West Diner and Truck Stop in Downey Idaho. Yes, it really is as glamorous as it looks, but the scones are great!

The next morning we made our way to the park. On arrival my Dad, Grumpy Nutz, told us to be on the lookout for moose, since it had been years since it had been a few years since we had last seen one. I often underestimate my wife's penchant for hidden games. When we are at Disneyland (or WDW) she really gets into looking for the Hidden Mickeys in the parks, and is generally faster than I at finding them, even when I know where to look and she doesn't. She attributes this to her love of Where's Waldo and I-Spy books when she was younger. It comes as no surprise that on the road from Madison to Old Faithful, she would spot the lone moose that we saw this trip, (not counting Stiltz in Yellowstone Bear World of course.)

He was obviously a younger moose, and when he saw us back up, he got a frightened look on his face and ran off. None of us could get our cameras ready even, but it was a great spot by Mrs. Nutz. She reminded me that she's good luck, so I told her that her next job was to conjure up the mother Grizzly Bear with four cubs that my Brother and his wife saw on their recent trip. She got us half-way there: A mother with two cubs. It had to be the closest I have ever seen a Grizzly in the wild.

There were also the Buffalo, Elk, Deer, a lone Coyote, and a Wolf (as seen through the spotting scope) to behold, which is the usual fodder that Yellowstone has to offer. Not to mention the squirrels (SQUIRREL) that we saw... y'know, ignoring the four of us that is. Thanks to the movie UP shouting out "Squirrel" became something of a game for us (though more likely for me than anyone else in the car who merely got to enjoy my amusing myself.)

We of course did the usual tourist spots: Old Faithful, Dragon's Mouth and the Mud Volcano, Lower Falls, Mammoth, Roosevelt, etc. All in all it was a great and relaxing vacation, though I'm sure my Dad would complain that it was too relaxing for me, as I slept through a sizable chunk of the drive.

It was such a nice trip that we really weren't ready to come home, knowing that we had a busy week ahead of us. Yesterday we hosted (or more appropriately Mrs. Nutz hosted while I hid in the house on the computer) a baby shower for Mrs. Munk, who is due in just a few weeks. We are so happy for them, despite the bittersweet feeling we have due to our own misfortune in starting a family on our own. We work to stay optimistic for the future, but it does come difficult at times.

While we weren't ready to come home, our cat Emma was so glad to have us back. Mrs. Nutz sister (woodland critter name yet to be determined) was house-sitting, and she and Emma don't get along very well. Add to that the fact that Emma is still recovering from her declawing surgery, and it sounds like she ha a traumatic weekend... not that my Sister-in-Law did anything to antagonize her.

The saddest part about Emma now is that I think we broke the cat. She used to be real hyper and full of energy, but all she does now is move from one napping spot to another. It's really sad to see that she's not the same anymore, and we're hoping that it passes. I think it's depression, but I doubt that we'll be able to give our cat a dose of Zoloft.

Well, that should be enough for now. Three updates on July, that's a good sign. Hopefully I can keep it up!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ramblings From A Tired Squirrel!

I had every intention of making a new post on Monday, and I have already received flack from the Munks for not accomplishing this task. So if anyone else feels slighted that I did not make a post, I apologize.

This past week my and Mrs. Nutz's nephews were in town visiting their Father (woodland critter moniker yet to be decided) and we tried to spend as much time as possible with them. Sunday, the 4th, was their last night in Utah, and the family was determined to finish this visit with a bang... literally. When we do dinners with my wife's family we generally assign out part of the meal, and her father was assigned the task of buying the fireworks. Mrs. Nutz and I, while doing our grocery shopping, saw an inexpensive bucket of fireworks that we decided to add to the pot (ironically it was the exact same bucket that was one of the kits her Dad bought.) Apparently other members of the family felt the same way, so we had a HUGE amount of fireworks to launch, and we sure had a great time doing it.

Monday it was time for the boys to go back to their mother in Louisiana, and Mrs. Nutz was volunteered to fly them back. Their Father is going to be moving out of state at the end of the month to be closer to the boys, and is working as much as he can to save up for the journey, so he only had a week vacation available. In order to spend more time with the boys here, he asked that someone escort them home, so of course we were happy to help. Mrs. Nutz flew with the boys to meet their Mom in Houston, then flew home the next day.

The downside to this trip was the toll that it's taken on us. I have never especially enjoyed being home alone, but being separated from my best half is downright lousy. I maybe got 4 hours of sleep that night, and I was lucky to get that. (I even thought about writing this update while I was fighting with insomnia, but with how tired I was, I have no idea what kind of ramblings would be posted.) Mrs. Nutz told me that she too barely got any sleep Monday night, so she also was exhausted when she got home yesterday.

Here's the kicker: we got plenty sleep last night, so I can't explain why on Earth we are so much more tired today that we were yesterday.

So things have been pretty busy since my second to last update. Summer semesters have a reputation for being fairly easy; but when you do a math class that is usually takes 16 weeks in 7... well lets just say I've spent a lot of time doing Algebra the past weeks. If it wasn't for the fact that I only have 2 weeks left, I would probably be burning out right now. I feel like I'm turning Mrs. Nutz into a homework widow (though she is getting caught up on her viewing of chick flicks.)

Last month I had my 30th birthday, and for my present from my wife, I got a Wii game I've been wanting, and the cat got declawed. Happy birthday to me! While getting the house ready for the family party associated with my birthday, I indulged my inner child by renting the film adaptation of the children's book Where the Wild Things Are. My feelings were really mixed as the credits rolled, and I spent the next couple of hours trying to sort out my impression of the movie. I finally came to the conclusion that it was one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. I hated this movie (Mrs. Nutz has no opinion to interject as she did not watch the movie with me.)

The movie wasn't necessarily sad, but it wasn't upbeat and positive. Obviously the screen writer had to take some creative liberties when writing the film, since the book only has around 26 words in it. But the book was more pleasant and fun to me, while the movie was, well... I can only describe it as melancholy.

Fortunately the last movie we saw, Eclipse, was very well done. By far the best film in the Twilight series so far. If you are a fan of the books, you will love this move (and you should enjoy this if you're only accompanying a fan of the story.)

Well, unfortunately the time has come for me to sign off again. I hope to be able to post another update soon, but time will tell.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America!!

This is only going to be a short post today, and I will get more up tomorrow when I have a little more time. As we celebrate our nations birthday it only seems appropriate that I say thank you to all those who have fought (and are still fighting) for our freedoms. Without your sacrifices we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms that we have today. Thank you, and God bless you and your families!

Thanks for reading check again tomorrow for a longer update!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Promise I'm Still Alive!


It has obviously been a while since I got a chance to update this, but at least I have a good excuse: Spring Semester! Thankfully that semester is done, and Summer just started today, but this should be a little bit milder than the last one. The best part for me is that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm trying to get there as fast as I can. That may mean that I have to put stuff like this blog on the back-burner, but it will only make things sweeter when all is said and done.

I know that there's some of you out there that have been wanting me to make an update. Mrs. Munk told Mrs. Nutz that I was taking so long to do updates that she should just take over. She is welcome to do so anytime. It would be nice to let the family hear things from her perspective, but I don't know if that will happen. Time will tell.

Also, if you choose to post a comment on here, it will no longer show up immediately. I know that I have mentioned in the past that I would like to maintain anonymity on this site, and everyone who has posted has been great in not mentioning names in their comments, so I had no problem keeping my comments open to all. Unfortunately, some weird Japanese website started posting comments that linked to a page that was highly inappropriate for many reasons. After I discovered their comments in one or two of my posts, I decided I would have to moderate, so I apologize if you submit a comment and it takes a while to show up. My personal feelings for free speech still stand, so unless your post is laced with profanity, or you list my and Mrs. Nutz real name, it will be approved to go as is.

Since the last post, our dog had her surgery, and she bounced back just fine. She was so good that she didn't even mess with her stitches, which means she did not have to endure the cone of shame. I wish I could bounce back as fast as she did. We'll have to see if the cat fares as well when we take her in for her declawing.

I'd wager that there's some readers of this who disagree with the practice of removing a cats claws, and frankly we normally would feel the same. We don't like to torture our animals (even though Iola would beg to differ based on last Friday, but I will get to that in a minute.) Unfortunately our cat Emma is super jumpy, and she likes to play rough with her claws. We made the decision to have the claws removed. With us planning to have kids, we really don't want our future kids to be scratched up because the cat get startled.

In regard to Iola being tortured, last Friday she went with me to go pick up a box of latex gloves from Mr. and Mrs. Munks house. Unfortunately the Munks had recently been battling mice in their home, and they forgot that they had a couple of mousetraps out that were baited with Decon-laced peanut butter. We suspect that Iola licked the peanut butter, and may have ingested a trace amount of the poison.

We consulted a vet, and were told that we would have to induce vomiting to make sure that any trace would be gone. We were told to give her some hydrogen peroxide and then wait ten minutes. Unfortunately our dog, whose stomach is usually so sensitive that ice-cold water makes her sick, decided to have an iron stomach that night. After about 30 minutes, we mixed up some salt water, and forced her to drink that (by one taste of the peroxide, she was not going to trust anything we gave her.) That didn't work, so we decided to try forcing her to drink really cold water, which was accomplished by jamming a hose in her mouth and holding her still. After doing that a few times, we figured we were only water boarding the dog rather than making her throw up, so we took her inside to let her know we weren't mad at her.

We contacted a source at Guide Dogs, who had raised Iola, and were told to give her another dose of peroxide every hour until she threw up. We gave her another dose of peroxide, then a third an hour later. Finally after the third dose she went outside and tossed her kibble, so we were able to finally relax. The Munks felt awful about the whole thing, and they decided to make it up to Iola by bringing her some new toys and treats. The sad truth is that she is more likely to be mad at us for the torture, instead of learning the real lesson: Don't eat/lick everything you walk by!!!

Well, life is continuing on. We were very frustrated with Mrs. Nutz OB, since he seemed to be giving up on us. He kept pressuring us to consult a fertility specialist, which would cost us $475 just for a consultation, and then $2000 monthly should we see him more regularly. We kept asserting that we could not afford that, but he kept pushing. Finally we decided to go with a new OB on the recommendation of the Munks, and we're being very optimistic about it. He has drastically changed Mrs. Nutz prescriptions, and now she's a walking pharmacy. She's taking Clomid for infertility, Metformin and an Estrogen supplement to enhance the Clomid, Robitussin to counterbalance the fertility medications effects, and Prenatal and Vitamin D. Oh, she's also taking Immodium to help with the effects of Metformin... fun times.

In my own medical pains, I finally went to see the dentist for the first time in four years, and since that visit I've been getting cavities filled, and have had 2 root canals, with a third coming up. Dammit, I am never missing a 6 month check-up every again!! The only plus side is that during both root canals I fell asleep in the chair. This was a point of playful contention between my wife and I, as she felt that being so comfortable during the procedure was not punishment enough for going so long without a check-up.

Well, I think that I've rambled on long enough. I am going to try and update the header of this blog soon, and I would like to make a post about the advanced screening Mr. Munk and I were able to attend for the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I make no promises, but keep your fingers crossed. If I don't get a chance, you can read my review of the movie on At the time of this posting, it's the only review there; but if more show up, those who know me should have no problems finding it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Marketing SNAFU, or Am I Just Nit-Picking?

Happy 2010!!!

Once again a new year is upon us, and I for one am doing all I can to be optimistic about the new decade. Granted, I do think of myself as a natural optimist anyway, and I hope that those who know me would agree, but the suffering economy and soaring unemployment rate is enough to turn anyone cynical. Still, the spirit of the new year is to wipe the slate clean and start over anew.

As this year begins, so does another semester of school for me. As I continue on my trek to graduate I find myself enrolled in classes dealing with ethics, screenplay writing, intercultural communication, and a series of lectures from professionals in the field of digital media and computer science. At one end of the spectrum, I look at the work-load of these classes and feel overwhelmed by the semester before me; but on the other end I'm excited about these classes, as I think I'll really be able to do some cool things in them.

Everything else seems to be rather quiet around the Nutz household. Our Christmas decorations have come down, and we find our free evenings (which will inevitably come to a screeching halt once this semester goes underway... at least for me) are now filled with our favorite TV shows, and the newly acquired Wii.

We'd circled around the thought of getting a Wii for quite some time, and we thought that this past Christmas, the Wii would be a great present to each other. We started out with a standard assortment of games that we already knew from playing my parents Wii, but we decided to indulge and try the new Super Mario Brothers Wii game, and man is it fun! Extremely challenging, but fun. The funniest thing to me was how quickly this game sold out after Christmas. We bought our copy the day after Christmas at our local Target, and up until New Year's Eve we could walk into any Target, Wal-Mart, or Best Buy, and they had tons of copies. We introduced my Brother and his wife to the game at my parents one evening before New Year's, and when they went to look for it, it was nowhere to be found. Having found it all over the place in our neck of the woods, we checked for them, and were stunned that the supply in our area had been depleted as well.

One of the guys in my class works at a game store, and he informed me that Nintendo sent out a notice to all the distributors that they did not have enough supply to meet the demand of that game (which Nintendo is known for under-producing to create artificial demand anyway,) and that they would not be able to get more to the stores until sometime in late February/early March.

This was, however, a lie, because now you go through Target and Wal-Mart, and they once again have tons of copies. I guess Nintendo either ramped up the production, or they tried to create more artificial demand by creating a scarce supply in hopes that the game would continue to fly off the shelves when they brought the next batch out of the warehouse. With the economy as volatile as it, and considering that these games sell for $50 bucks a pop, I personally am inclined to believe the latter.

Other than that, our lives have pretty much simmered down to normal. Work continues, and we do our best to keep up with our lives. We should be done with our major expenditures for quite some time, though we do have to take our dog Iola into the vet for surgery. She has developed a tumor on her side that, from all accounts, is both common and benign for purebreds. The vets told us to keep an eye on it, and that as long as it didn't grow, and didn't bother the dog, we should be okay. That was 2 years ago, and while it doesn't seem to faze Iola at all, it has grown to be the size of a large rock over the past couple of years, so we decided that it would be good to have it removed altogether.

Speaking of dogs, I saw something in the grocery store a while ago, and I still find it both humorous, and oddly morbid:

The Walt Disney company is by no means a stranger to product licensing. The first piece of merchandise that was adorned with a Disney creation was a Mickey Mouse watch from the 1920's. Donald Duck orange juice has also been on the market for years, and even though it really doesn't taste any different from the pulp-free OJ that you can buy at any grocery store, I personally love getting a carton of it whenever I can find it.

Another thing that is no stranger to the Disney company is dogs. They have made countless stories about dogs over the years, with such memorable ones as Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmations, Oliver and Company, and Bolt. Even many of their live-action offerings included canines (The Ugly Dachsund, The Shaggy D.A., The Incredible Journey, and even the modern day Airbud and it's many sequels and knock-offs.) Heck, that's not even mentioning the 2 dogs that have been with Mickey and the gang the longest: Pluto and Goofy.

So when Kroger foods and Disney decided to market a dog food together, they had a pretty good list of potential mascots. Oddly enough, they decided to go with Old Yeller.

That's right, Old Yeller dog food. The first time we saw it in the store, Mrs. Nutz and I were speechless. Even now we don't walk by it without making some comment between ourselves. Don't get me wrong, Old Yeller was a classic Disney movie, but what do people remember the most about the movie? I'd say the same thing they remember when they watch the movie Bambi. People don't remember the heroics of the dog, the rousing theme song, and the charming aspects of the story as the boy Travis grows to love his dog; they remember when the dog gets rabies and Travis has to put him down with a shotgun.

It seems odd to me that a company would choose to market a movie based on a story that made countless generations of children cry. Death really isn't a positive marketing tool, unless you're selling pest control (though I think Disney legal would steer clear of marketing something ridiculous like Mickey Mouse rat poison, or mouse traps.)

A little Google searching revealed that the dog food was put on the market in 2005, and Kroger even put out a press release for it. Not surprisingly the press release neglects to mention the sad ending, but paints the movie to be all about frontier fun, and the bonding of the boy and his dog. That's not saying that they're lying about the contents of the film, they're just leaving out the part everyone remembers.

Of course, there's enough online, and in the media, to remind everyone of the sad ending to the film. My personal favorite joke comes from the show Friends when Phoebe see the ending of the movie for the first time and asks, "what kind of sick doggy snuff film is this?"

Well, I believe that I've rambled on for long enough. Until next time... whenever that is.