Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Promise I'm Still Alive!


It has obviously been a while since I got a chance to update this, but at least I have a good excuse: Spring Semester! Thankfully that semester is done, and Summer just started today, but this should be a little bit milder than the last one. The best part for me is that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm trying to get there as fast as I can. That may mean that I have to put stuff like this blog on the back-burner, but it will only make things sweeter when all is said and done.

I know that there's some of you out there that have been wanting me to make an update. Mrs. Munk told Mrs. Nutz that I was taking so long to do updates that she should just take over. She is welcome to do so anytime. It would be nice to let the family hear things from her perspective, but I don't know if that will happen. Time will tell.

Also, if you choose to post a comment on here, it will no longer show up immediately. I know that I have mentioned in the past that I would like to maintain anonymity on this site, and everyone who has posted has been great in not mentioning names in their comments, so I had no problem keeping my comments open to all. Unfortunately, some weird Japanese website started posting comments that linked to a page that was highly inappropriate for many reasons. After I discovered their comments in one or two of my posts, I decided I would have to moderate, so I apologize if you submit a comment and it takes a while to show up. My personal feelings for free speech still stand, so unless your post is laced with profanity, or you list my and Mrs. Nutz real name, it will be approved to go as is.

Since the last post, our dog had her surgery, and she bounced back just fine. She was so good that she didn't even mess with her stitches, which means she did not have to endure the cone of shame. I wish I could bounce back as fast as she did. We'll have to see if the cat fares as well when we take her in for her declawing.

I'd wager that there's some readers of this who disagree with the practice of removing a cats claws, and frankly we normally would feel the same. We don't like to torture our animals (even though Iola would beg to differ based on last Friday, but I will get to that in a minute.) Unfortunately our cat Emma is super jumpy, and she likes to play rough with her claws. We made the decision to have the claws removed. With us planning to have kids, we really don't want our future kids to be scratched up because the cat get startled.

In regard to Iola being tortured, last Friday she went with me to go pick up a box of latex gloves from Mr. and Mrs. Munks house. Unfortunately the Munks had recently been battling mice in their home, and they forgot that they had a couple of mousetraps out that were baited with Decon-laced peanut butter. We suspect that Iola licked the peanut butter, and may have ingested a trace amount of the poison.

We consulted a vet, and were told that we would have to induce vomiting to make sure that any trace would be gone. We were told to give her some hydrogen peroxide and then wait ten minutes. Unfortunately our dog, whose stomach is usually so sensitive that ice-cold water makes her sick, decided to have an iron stomach that night. After about 30 minutes, we mixed up some salt water, and forced her to drink that (by one taste of the peroxide, she was not going to trust anything we gave her.) That didn't work, so we decided to try forcing her to drink really cold water, which was accomplished by jamming a hose in her mouth and holding her still. After doing that a few times, we figured we were only water boarding the dog rather than making her throw up, so we took her inside to let her know we weren't mad at her.

We contacted a source at Guide Dogs, who had raised Iola, and were told to give her another dose of peroxide every hour until she threw up. We gave her another dose of peroxide, then a third an hour later. Finally after the third dose she went outside and tossed her kibble, so we were able to finally relax. The Munks felt awful about the whole thing, and they decided to make it up to Iola by bringing her some new toys and treats. The sad truth is that she is more likely to be mad at us for the torture, instead of learning the real lesson: Don't eat/lick everything you walk by!!!

Well, life is continuing on. We were very frustrated with Mrs. Nutz OB, since he seemed to be giving up on us. He kept pressuring us to consult a fertility specialist, which would cost us $475 just for a consultation, and then $2000 monthly should we see him more regularly. We kept asserting that we could not afford that, but he kept pushing. Finally we decided to go with a new OB on the recommendation of the Munks, and we're being very optimistic about it. He has drastically changed Mrs. Nutz prescriptions, and now she's a walking pharmacy. She's taking Clomid for infertility, Metformin and an Estrogen supplement to enhance the Clomid, Robitussin to counterbalance the fertility medications effects, and Prenatal and Vitamin D. Oh, she's also taking Immodium to help with the effects of Metformin... fun times.

In my own medical pains, I finally went to see the dentist for the first time in four years, and since that visit I've been getting cavities filled, and have had 2 root canals, with a third coming up. Dammit, I am never missing a 6 month check-up every again!! The only plus side is that during both root canals I fell asleep in the chair. This was a point of playful contention between my wife and I, as she felt that being so comfortable during the procedure was not punishment enough for going so long without a check-up.

Well, I think that I've rambled on long enough. I am going to try and update the header of this blog soon, and I would like to make a post about the advanced screening Mr. Munk and I were able to attend for the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I make no promises, but keep your fingers crossed. If I don't get a chance, you can read my review of the movie on At the time of this posting, it's the only review there; but if more show up, those who know me should have no problems finding it.